Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The winner of Cibes Architectonic Prize 2004

Cibes Lift AB proudly announce the winner of Cibes Architectonic Prize 2004

a.p. botved, Denmark


for the installation in

Sparkassen, Sjelland

Cibes Architectonic Prize 2004 was a contest arranged by Cibes Lift AB. Invited participants to this contest were all the distributors of Cibes Lift AB. The aim of the contest was to show the most architectonic Cibes A5000 platform lift installation made during the year 2004.

The jury has found the installation in Sparkassen, Sjelland - sold and installed by a.p. botved   from Denmark, as being the most architectonical contribution in the contest. The installation harmonizes well with the entrance and the building. The lift has powder coat painted aluminium doors and special frosted glass panels.

- “Det her er meget sjovt og vi er meget tilfredse og stolte”, (this is great and we are very pleased and proud), says Managing Director Mads P. Poulsen at a.p. botved.


The prize for the winning entry - EURO 1000 check and a framed winner’s diploma will be handed over to Mr Mads P. Poulsen within short.


Many thanks for all contributions that were sent in to the contest. Thanks to the distributors in France, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.


A special thank to the jury of the Cibes Architectonic prize 2004,

Mr Anders Börjesson, Chairman, Cibes Lift AB
Mr Johan Sandberg, Managing Director, Cibes Lift AB
Mr Ulf Spåls, Architect, Sandviken Arkitektkontor AB

Mr Ulf W. Thorn, Marketing Director, Cibes Lift AB

March 1, 2005


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Interlift 2005 – Augsburg, Germany

Cibes Lift AB exhibited at Interlift 2005 in Augsburg, Germany.
We would like to thank all visitors and employees that made this exhibition very successful.
For information about products or how to become a distributor please contact Marketing Director Ulf W. Thorn or Mr Krister Strand at our export department

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The acquisition of Axess4All will strengthen the Cibes Lift Group

Cibes Lift Holding has purchased Axess4All on 1st July 2005. The former division of UK Lifts is now an independent company within the Cibes Lift Group. Axess4All has successfully expanded on the UK market. The new ownership and the 100% owned subsidiary will benefit customers in the UK market with more product knowledge, better service, faster deliveries and more flexible market penetration. Axess4All has been an established name for over 5 years and is one of the leading pioneers throughout UK in introducing the platform lift to the market.

“The purchase of our distributor – Axess4All is a milestone in our company history. The strategic step - to own our distributor and get closer to the market, creates several possibilities to expand our sales”, says Mr Johan Sandberg, CEO Cibes Lift Group.

“With the support of Cibes Lift AB, Axess4All has grown to a substantial size, and now owned by Cibes, has the launch pad to grow to much greater heights. The Cibes Lift platform lift is the best in Europe in terms of aesthetics and technology. It meets the European codes which have been developed throughout Europe, hosted by BSI, an English standards organisation.” says the Management of Axess 4 All.

In 1995, Cibes Lift AB made the strategic decision to invest in the European market and to meet a goal of minimum 15% annual sales growth, which has been achieved. Today, the export sales make up 90% of Cibes Lift’s total sales. More than 50 distributors are selling the main product A5000 in 30 countries. A local network of subcontractors handles the production on a just in time basis. The company is now looking to expand its sales globally, establish on more markets and to double its revenues in the near term.

Cibes Lift AB is Europe’s leading manufacturer of screw driven platform lifts. This type of safe and reliable platform lift is particularly well suited for people with impaired mobility. Cibes platform lift does not require any lift pit or any separate lift shaft, built on-site. The total cost is one third that of a conventional lift. Cibes platforms lift come in form of a kit, just like a piece of IKEA furniture, and take only 20 hours to assemble.

For more information, please contact: Mr Johan Sandberg, CEO Cibes Lift, at +46 (0)290-295 50 or +46 (0)70-582 24 92, or via e-mail at johan.sandberg@cibeslift.com.

Mr Jason King, Axess 4 All, at +44 (0)870 241 0602, e-mail jking@axess4all.com